"In This Time of End"
In December of 1996 I was writing one of these letters when I heard a feminine Whisper two feet away on my right, "In this time of end" I heard. Now the two asteroids on the 15th of February 2013. I believe it means the time of end is up. They didn't fix the greed, violence, and corruption. Because our enemy that moves the strings behind the scene blocks and opposes all the good suggestions from the people of good faith, that are trying to save our planet from the "renovation" that the Bible talks about. For our Creator, and the Archangels is "a piece of cake" to make the "rapture of souls" with a big asteroid, before our enemy do it with the nuclear bombs. That's what our enemy wants. Make "the end of the world" with these bombs. The Bible says the devil wants to destroy everything. Everyday our technology advances, but man keeps going backwards. Every day man does more evil, every day man is more greedy. Our enemy likes to see people starving, struggling, and dying of hunger. And we may have the technology to produce abundance. Also he likes to see people dying in the Wars that he creates with his greed. Also it's a business to make wars, the military industrial makes millions with it. All they need to do is pay people better and block the inflation so people don't revolt. It's a vicious cycle that Satan creates. In Africa we see a lion hunting an animal and after he eats he lets the other animals finish it. But what man is doing, he eats and he lets 40,000 woman men and children die of hunger every day in our planet. Because he likes to see them die. Also I saw in a dream that an asteroid may fall close to the US east coast, between north and south. And in another dream I saw one may fall in Canada and another one between Italy and Yugoslavia. And in the 80's a psychic in the US. said the geography in CA, TX, FL and NY is going to change. Man is breaking the commandments. "It's beyond repair," I heard a masculine whisper in the corner of my room, when I was in New York. And I heard "Now comes Divine Intervention, as man couldn't get rid of his enemy." 1 week before that giant tsunami 2 years ago, I believe all these tsunamis are signs meaning the "Great Flood" it's going to happen again, because man cannot get rid of his enemy. And Lord Byron in England also heard a voice "And now for the grace of God, there goes planet earth" when he was Watching the execution of some peasants for stealing some bread. And the Pope almost fainted when he heard the 3 secrets of Fatima from the 3 children, in 1917, it's because something very terrible is going to happen in this world if we don't get rid of our enemy - only God knows when it may happen, or if it's too late already. So as long as we're still here We should try to fix it, Some suggestions 1. Appraise the planet on trillions of trillions and make 1 world currency, in front of God we are all equal, so what we have now it's unfair. Like these they can pay people better and end poverty and people Won't revolt. 2. Fix the gas prices, it's hurting the economy. When the crude oil is about 60 dollars a barrel, it cost about 80 cents to make 1 gallon of gasoline, then they add a few cents to take it to the store. And the store adds a few cents to sell it to the public. That's all it should be. What our enemy is doing right now is destroying the economy with those gas prices, just to get rich a small group of people. 3. Make pot legal and teach people how to use it and not abuse it. Etc...lt takes 1 hour to read my book and it can change a person for Eternity. It's my little contribution for a better world.
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