There's an Asteroid in Collision Course with the Earth
by Marcel Marchand In Aug. 14 in Albuquerque I heard a voice a 2 feet away on my right "We're coming in this month of October." Perhaps the Angels of Armageddon are getting ready. The extraterrestrials (ET's) have warned some people in our planet that all this greed, violence and corruption, which is the "normal" for Lucifer, won't be tolerated by our Creator forever, and that the last asteroid happened about 30,000 years ago. All this meteors and asteroid craters in our planet show us that it can happen again, the question is not if, but when. The intention of our Creator for making life in the Universe is to see all the people happy and living in peace and harmony. The only time we can use our severe part, is to hunt and animal for food. All these wars, hunger, poverty, and corruption is the devil's work. They don't know they're crazy. You cannot talk to them, argue, or reason. In Nov. 21-14, I saw on a dream a black background and there was the symbol Around the last days of Nov. 14, I was swimming in front of Neptune's Restaurant on Highway 1 close to Ventura. When I heard a voice a few inches out in my right: "There's an Asteroid in Collision Course with the Earth." so that confirms the "The Worry Look" in some people's faces, on the past 2 years, meaning that a great catastrophe is coming. Some people already know that a big asteroid is coming. But they're keeping it silent. And our enemy tells them, that there's nothing they can do. Perhaps they should try returning the money they took from me. Also make 1 World Currency like I suggested years ago, appraise the planet, pay people better and end poverty. Get rid of our enemy's ideas, the greed, violence and corruption. Saint Mother Theresa told them " You surrender God and you give with love, you share things." But they didn't . And Bob Dylan said: "The change won't come again", after the devil killed the saviors of the 60's. Our enemy likes to see people suffering and dying; like this he thinks that he is powerful and important, and that he's got it made, "Yes! But not to heaven!" I heard a whisper, on a meditation. In fact he's got it made to hell for not sharing. The devil wants me to go to church and dress like the old prophets and make speeches. He thinks that a sacrifice is going to fix this planet. I told them what they need to sacrifice is the greed, violence and corruption otherwise "divine intervention" is coming. But they're wicked and evil and they don't want to change anything. Also after I saw that movie "Secrets of the Vatican" on Feb. 14, TV.5, it makes me think twice. They show all the corruption inside the church. And the priest having sex with each other, and even rapes boys and girls. I thought that's not the teaching of Jesus, but Satan inside the church. The Pope told them in the 80's all of this is an abomination. Priests should marry. I believe the Devil manipulated the Supreme Court in the 70's to say that abortion is okay! But it is not. Once our Creator starts making a new life, you don't interrupt it. And recently I believe the devil manipulated the Supreme Court again to say that homosexuality is okay. But it is not; in the Hotsprings of the Jemez Mountains in NM I saw 2 women kissing and I heard a whisper. "They don't know they're sinning". I believe "love" is between a man and a woman. Now our physical body reacts positive to the touch, no matter who touches you, so before the devil teaches them, "If it feels good, just do it." The parents need to teach their children not to mix the spiritual love, with the sexual love. Especially if it's a friend of the same sex. Also the devil is removing the virginity hood on newborn baby girls, and I disagreed, perhaps after 17. It's like saying that God made something that shouldn't be there. And then we see 13 year old girls pregnant and having a baby. I think couples that are not ready to have a baby should be abstinent, and they can give themselves love and pleasure massaging, and other ways, and leave the act of depositing the seed after marriage. 4,000 abortions on the U. S. each day is too much. Our human computer (the brain) is not like the electrical computer, that you change a disk and the computer starts acting in a different way. Our mental computer needs years to change from an awkward truth to the real truth. So it's a waste of time to go make speeches. Let people read all the good spiritual books, and little by little the brain may change from greed to love. If we have the time, the devil blocks and opposes any new ideas so only God knows if we're out of time or not. Also our enemy is teaching the prostitution, incest, sex with animals, etc. And the corruption in the world it's beyond repair, out of control, for example in Iraq billions of dollars disappeared on the reconstruction, I'm sure the devil knows. Also after the war I sent letters saying that they need to share the power between the Zunnis and Shiits otherwise they'll keep fighting; and that's exactly what the devil didn't do, so the wars continue, so they feed the "war machine". President Eisenhower warned the Congress against the military industrials. And then they lied on the news saying that is was a war between 2 religious groups, and that remind us, some years ago, some editors from the New York Times and the Washington Post got fired for fabrication and lies. That was Satan manipulating the editors. Oprah wanted to help me publish my book, I saw her on a dream she said " I got millions for you". But the devil wanted those millions, so he blocked her. Then I paid to Dorrance Pub. C. to publish my book to help people. Also I wanted make a charity org. and help the poor. And the devil took over Dorrance, and have them let another C. do the job. And they speculated about me to some religious people in the world, saying that I'm one of the old prophets that came back, and sold a bunch of money on my books, and Dorrance sends me $0 sales statements. Satan rules on top of everybody, no more politics. The 2 sides are corrupted, so I don't vote anymore, Dem. or Rep. There's nobody to fight with against the Devil. That means Divine Intervention is coming. Our Father told the prophets 2000 years ago. and now it's coming to pass. It's in the holy scriptures. The ET's are going to rescue a bunch of people before the asteroid hits, there's a twin earth on the other side of the Sun, rotating at the same speed of our planet. And the future sons & daughters of this people will inherit our earth, later on. Jesus said, " I will prepare a place for you in heaven" and that's only for the other good souls. The devil hates me for not believing in him, as a great spirit, but as a man made evil negative personality. Even the souls or human spirits that exist in the other side, the vicious and evil mind is man made. We are born good and severe, the vicious and evil is man made. Sometimes an evil spirit can lodge himself in the left part of our body, like a parasite, that's when we hear thoughts in our mind, that is not ours. And if a person gets drunk that evil spirit can take over and make a person do bad things. So with prayers we can ask that evil soul to go, and sometimes we feel it moving out. I hate to bring out all this things, but it's to try to make consciousness. I have the impression that the gov. have been bribed by the rich, for not paying taxes. Billions of dollars that should be going to the people's programs(which they are closing) are going to the rich pockets, and they don't need that money, they're swimming on money. I think the devil changed the "we the people" for "we the greedy, against the people". That's why America is falling. And also the corruption in the pentagon and the military industrials continue, they're overpricing many times the jet planes, tanks, etc. and Billions are going down the drain, which should be used for the people and the country. And I don't believe that they killed about 1 million people to "secure the oil", they were feeding the "war machine", same think in Vietnam, more than 1 million people killed not to "fight communism" but to feed the "war machine". The Bible says "the devil likes to destroy everything, that's why they raise the prices faster than the salaries, that's the devil squeezing peoples necks and wallets. And he criticizes a neighbor for the dust in his eye, but he cannot see the rock, in his eye, and all this movies loaded with violence, that's the devil making future criminals, avoid them. Also, our enemy has electronic devices to hear our thoughts, and to make us hear voices, and sometimes they guide people into crimes, with those voices and drugs. So we need to reject any evil thoughts that come into our mind. And sometimes the devil follows a person on a car, and from behind they send a ray to a person's head, and it makes him dizzy. And they can also do it at your home. The devil breaks all the rules. Our Father, may confirm this message with some meteors, etc. Available from the Author and now available at Hastings & Other book stores To order, please send a Check or Money Order for $9.00 (Add $3.00 for shipping plus $1 each additional book) to: Marcel F. Marchand Phone Number: 505-261-8571 For no extra charge, please let me know if you'd like the book signed! |
Spiritual Civilization for After 2000 AD |