"Virus Story"

April 17, 2020

Last year I got sick with a cold a lot of coughing. That cold felt different and stronger. It was getting worse, so I decided to boil an inch and a half of water in a small pan. I lay down on my bed, put a small folded towel on my chest and put the pan on top. I secured the pan lid to avoid spills. The heat came down inside my chest. I felt better. I did it in the morning and the evening, every treatment 15 minutes, boil the water again and put it another 15 minutes. I also used a nasal spray, inhaling fast so it would reach the lungs. After the treatments, I used a saline solution. Also, sometimes during the day. One morning, after 3 days, I felt a little virus or worm move inside my right lung, about 1/16 by 1/2 inch long approx. It didn't like the heat and it was dying. I thought , our advantage is that we can resist the heat longer than a virus.

On February 2020, I passed this information to 2 Chinese friends, one in Ventura and one in San Francisco, CA. I saw in the library that the Ebola virus looks like a little worm but I'm not sure it was the same. Now the Corona virus is so small we cannot see it, that should take less heat to eliminate. They sell flat plastic containers that you can put hot water in it, and place it on your chest. Also electric blankets. Also, in the past when a virus went in my stomach, I eliminated it with 2 shots of whisky-also can put lime juice in a glass 1/3 lime 2/3 water and drink it slowly. Also I got rid of amoeba parasites in my stomach many years ago with garlic and lime in the blender. A lady healer in the Andes mountains told me about it. It's also good for the liver, the bladder, etc. As soon as I feel I'm getting a cold, I make a 15 minute preventive heat treatment.

What did people do when there was no vaccines? They eat well so the body is strong to fight the virus. When our body has enough vitamin C, the temperature stays normal. When our body lack vitamin C, the temperature drops a few degrees and the virus reproduces. We can get vitamin C from oranges, limes, cranberries, etc. Also, if we make a soup with beef bones, chicken and veggies every two weeks it keeps our body strong, and it's a natural antibiotic. 2 teaspoons of honey and one of molasses every day and one lime in our drinking water keeps us healthy. They're natural antibiotics.

It's good to alternate good old medicine and the modern one, instead of fighting with each other. The modern medicine is trying to suppress the old one. We can say greed is to blame for the virus. All the time, man thinks about making big profits, and almost nothing to clean, preserve and maintain our beautiful planet. There are many land fields on our planet that stay open. They don't mix the garbage with dirt and cover it. The garbage remains open to the sun and rain, and that produces a lot of germs, viruses and bacteria. Then, the wind takes them long distances and make people sick. So they sell more drugs. There is a big pile of garbage, the size of Texas, in the bottom of the ocean, between California and Hawaii, and the fish are getting cancer and tumors.

Our Creator is good and also severe, that's the Yin and Yang. Now, the devil or ego or enemy it's all the same vicious evil negative personality that man created and that's not part of the creation-and the mentality of the ego is to make things worse, not better for the people. Now more than 42% of the programs that were available to help people are closed. That's the ego making things worse. Man cannot get rid of this enemy. That's why Divine intervention is coming. I hope this letter can help.

P.S. I'm not available to comment about this, or any other subject.

- Marcel Marchand

Spiritual Civilization
for After 2000 AD