"The Naked Truth"

In every country of our planet, there's greed violence corruption and poverty. So that shows us that not all the rules and traditions of man are in accordance with the rules of our creator. Therefore we should be more flexible and open for new ideas, to make a better world, for the new millennium.

I read the article "Go Topless Day" in the Sunday paper of August 24th 2008 and I remembered that the reason the system is against nudity, is to protect that dirty pornography industry.

There's nothing wrong with the human anatomy, God made it perfect and beautiful, and people should be proud of showing their bodies. Also children love to bathe and play, and swim naked. And we're supposed to "admire without desire" this sculpture or masterpiece the divine higher power made.

It's our enemy the devil that teaches people. To admire with desire and to put malice and morbidity, and dirty negative thoughts into it, so he ruins the whole thing. Anything the devil touches becomes dirty and evil or corrupted. So we need to reject that, if we want to grow mentally and spiritually.

In Japan they got it right with the nude bathhouses and swimming pools. They have preserved the purity that we were born with. And also some old tribes around the world. People that want to regain that purity need to practice "Au Naturel" in their backyards and pools.

In the art classes at the university the teacher helps and prepares the students to look with respect and make drawings of the human body, without thinking about sex. Our body is sacred and divine, and it's the temple of us, the soul.

There's a lot of "naturist camps" in our world where entire families enjoy being in contact with "nature", in this very special way. We're born naked, we take showers naked, we undress every day. Nudity is part of our lives. I hope you enjoy it too.

I have visited the nude beaches in CA, and the hot springs in NM, and it produces a real nice and natural sensation. A deeper contact with nature, a person feels more free, and happy.

- Marcel Marchand

Spiritual Civilization
for After 2000 AD